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Presentation and Potluck Lunch

Our service on the 15th will transition to a time of celebration with a slide show of photos and visits from some special people.

Then we will head to the Education Building for a potluck lunch together. So we can plan better, please let us know what you plan to bring to the potluck by clicking the button below.

We also are asking for people to help with decorating for the event and clean up after. Use the button below to sign up.

40 Days of Gratitude

Our 40 Days of Gratitude begin on August 6th and continue through September 14th, leading up to our celebration day on September 15th.

Below you will find ideas for each of the 40 days. Feel free to use them or choose your own gratitudes. 

The bulletin board in the hallway across from the photo board is has been repurposed for your words of gratitude. Write what you are grateful for on a piece of paper and post it on the gratitude board.

Aug 6 - Write something you are grateful for on a piece of paper and bring it to the church to tack to the gratitude board.
Aug 7 - Express your gratitude for those who founded Unity of Gaithersburg.
Aug 8 - Identify at least three things you have touched for which you are grateful.
Aug 9 - Write down three things you are grateful for about yourself.
Aug 10 - Write a thank you note to Rev Edith and give it to her the next time you come to church (or email a thank you to
Aug 11 - Thank someone at church for sharing their beautiful smile with you. 
Aug 12 - Practice gratitude for your body and its ability to move and function.
Aug 13 - Express gratitude for something that makes you feel comfortable.
Aug 14 - Express gratitude for something that you use every day but have not been consciously grateful for.

Aug 15 - Take a photo of something you find beautiful.
Aug 16 - If you are at a store today, thank the person at checkout.
Aug 17 - Write a thank you note to Akosua and give it to her the next time you come to church (or email a thank you to
Aug 18 - Express your gratitude for the Prayer Chaplains at Unity of Gaithersburg.
Aug 19 - Express your gratitude for the previous ministers who served Unity of Gaithersburg – Allen Quay, Anne Quay, Barry Venard, Roger Goodwin, Jennifer Holder, Sheryl Myers and Steve Colladay.
Aug 20 - Write down what you like about Unity of Gaithersburg.
Aug 21 - Express gratitude for an activity that you enjoy doing.
Aug 22 - Spend time doing something creative and express gratitude for your talents.
Aug 23 - Pause before your next meal to sit in gratitude. Notice how yummy it looks and smells, and feel grateful to the person who prepared it.
Aug 24 - Write a thank you note to Deletta and give it to her the next time you come to church (or email a thank you to
Aug 25 - Express your gratitude for the friends you have made at Unity of Gaithersburg. Write a note to one (or more) of them.

Aug 26 - Express gratitude for an important life lesson that you have learned.
Aug 27 - Text someone and tell them why you're grateful for them.
Aug 28 - Think about a good memory that brings a smile to your face, and write about why it's special to you.
Aug 29 - Express gratitude for being alive and experiencing the gift of life.

Aug 30 - Take a picture of something in your home that makes you happy.
Aug 31 - Write a note thank you note to Michael and give it to him the next time you come to church (or email a thank you to
Sep 1 - Reflect on past challenges and express gratitude for the lessons learned.
Sep 2 - Identify at least three things you have tasted for which you are grateful.
Sep 3 - Leave a note for your mail person, thanking them.

Sep 4 - Practice forgiveness and express gratitude for the people who have helped you grow.
Sep 5 - Think of someone who makes your day better and invite them to lunch.
Sep 6 - Identify at least three things you have heard for which you are grateful.
Sep 7 - Write a thank you note to Keith and give it to him the next time you come to church (or email a thank you to
Sep 8 - Recall messages have you received at Unity of Gaithersburg for which you are grateful.
Sep 9 - Reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while and express gratitude for them.
Sep 10 - Express your gratitude for all the musicians and performers who have inspired Unity of Gaithersburg with their talents.
Sep 11 - Express gratitude to our Earth and how miraculously she cares for us and supports our lives.
Sep 12 - Identify at least three things you have seen for which you are grateful.
Sep 13 - Express your gratitude for the classes that have been offered at Unity of Gaithersburg over the years.
Sep 14 - Write a note thank you note to the Board and give it to a Board member the next time you come to church (or email a thank you to

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