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Welcome to The Youth and Family Ministry at Unity of Gaithersburg

Our curriculum nurtures and explores the innate wisdom and divine qualities within each youth. Our Creative, Energetic, and Loving program helps children learn, share, and celebrate the divine nature in each other and in the world. Youth express and explore their spiritual nature in an accepting, safe, family-friendly environment.   Our philosophy affirms spirituality innately resides within everyone and everything. Spirituality isn’t a process of being fed information from the outside but of awakening inner divinity. We affirm that we are uniquely unfolding on our own individual spiritual paths. ​We refer to this ‘unfolding of the rose’ philosophy as The Living Curriculum.


The Living Curriculum

Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, believed our mission was not to “entertain the children, but instead, to draw them out.” Unity believes and affirms that what we learn and know already lives within each individual.
We use a curriculum philosophy known as The Living Curriculum. This method offers spiritual support to help all ages develop successful living concepts. It honors the inherent wholeness and wisdom within each one of us and utilizes storytelling and experiential creative expression to “draw out” the Truth we already know. The curriculum explores spiritual principles and how they operate in our lives.


Five Basic Unity Principles

          1.  God is all good and active in everything, everywhere.
          2.  I am naturally good because God’s Divinity is in me and in everyone.
          3.  I create my experiences by what I choose to think and what I feel and believe.
          4.  Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life.
          5.  I do and give my best by living the Truth that I know. I make a difference!


Our Current Classes

The Nursery 

(children ages 0–4 years), children experience the joys of community and spirituality.
We use movement, stories, songs and hugs in a warm, loving environment.

The Youth in Unity

This is a dynamic group with youth from grades 1 - 6 and the class explores spiritual teachings in a variety of ways suited to the mix of developmental learning styles. The Five Principles, Metaphysical Laws, the Twelve Powers, and more are explored in using movement, song, humor, stories and much more. Meditation is practiced every Sunday in a variety of forms.

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